After the epicness of The Force Awakens, and then the Episode 4 prequel Rogue One, who knew that it was possible to get even more excited about Star Wars?
Following on from Episode 7, The Last Jedi promises more adventure, more action, and could possibly (just like The Empire Strikes Back) be overshadowed by the dark side of the force - hence the red typeface perhaps?
There were so many unanswered questions left after the last film: Who are Rey's parents? Who is Snoke? Has Luke already turned to the dark side? Will Finn survive? What is Snoke planning next? Will Kylo Ren eventually turn to the light, and be reunited with his mother? Will Leia be reunited with Luke?
Who knows? But the teaser trailer does offer enough sneak peeks to let the entire Star Wars fandom start speculating and anticipating the movie's plot. Besides, we've all watched it a million times now, right?
(Plus some spoilers from the other films...)

"Just breathe. Reach out"

"What do you see?"
Here fans are treated to a single shot of the back of their favourite space Princess overlooking a console and a holographic map on what looks like a spaceship. But is this the same map as the one that led to Luke or is there something more out there in this plot to discover? Luke went in search of the last Jedi temple, right? But who's to say he actually found it?
Whilst there is some speculation that this figure above is not General Leia, if you take a look at some of the behind the scenes photographs, it most probably is. Also (Easter Egg!) if you listen super closely, you can hear her whispering: 'Help me Obi-Wan'

A mother representing the light; her son representing the dark. Again, if you listen very closely, you can hear Obi-wan's voice echoing another sound bite from Episode 4: A New Hope: "Seduced by the dark side of the Force"
"A balance"

And so as the musical score crescendos into the dramatically epic Star Wars theme tune that we all love so dearly, the audience is presented with a feast for the eyes: strange ships discharging red mist as they hurtle across an icy surface towards AT-AT's (bearing similar resemblance to the battle on Hoth?), and then we are finally given a glimpse of Finn - though he may be asleep in some sort of life support container.
Poe and BB-8 run frantically down a corridor and shield themselves as his X-wing fighter is blown up as well as the surrounding hangar - which looks like it could be on a ship rather than a base? Is this part of the retaliation against the Resistance from the First Order? It'll be interesting to see how Poe's character develops in Episode 8 considering he was initially meant to be killed off in the crash on Jakku. Looks like there's no defeating the best pilot in the Resistance.
The Millennium Falcon swoops effortlessly through the sky mid-battle (flown by who we wonder?) and Kylo Ren sports an Anakin Skywalker-style scar over his right eye courtesy of Rey's lightsaber. Like grandfather, like grandson.

So, could this be part of the infamous events that took place prior to Luke going into hiding? Is this his temple, the place he was training the next generation of Jedi, burning to the ground after Kylo Ren's betrayal that Rey saw in her vision? Or is this a scene waiting to take its future course?

But just wait a minute.
Is that Captain Phasma? Does that mean she wasn't put in the trash compactor like Finn and Han threatened to do on Starkiller base? And if she was, how in the galaxy far, far away did she escape? Because unless she happened to have two droids on hand to hack into the main computer, we know from Episode 4 that this is no easy feat.
"I know only one truth. It's time for the Jedi to end"
Wait. WHAT???
This has got to be the most shocking and unexpected moment in the entire trailer. What exactly does Luke mean? Is he bringing the whole existence of the Jedi into question? Or that the Jedi should end it, end the War, diminish the battle between the light and the dark? As he stands somewhat forlornly at the entrance to a dimly lit cave, it would seem Luke Skywalker has a much darker, sombre role to play in this movie. Considering he witnessed the massacre of his Jedi-in-Training at the hands of his nephew, and travelled to a distant, isolated island in some hidden part of the galaxy it's not too much of a surprise he'd consider this. Though it may be a little extreme.
Now, going back to the idea of 'balance'...
The term: 'Gray Jedi' has cropped up a few times in the latest theories. Gray Jedi is a name given to a force-user who can harness both the light and dark sides of the Force, without surrendering or being corrupted by the dark side. We know that without the Jedi there can be no balance in the force - as mentioned by Lor San Tekka in The Force Awakens. The question remains is: is there going to be a Gray Jedi in this story, or more than one?
Theory 1) It could be Luke.
Now, going back to the idea of 'balance'...
The term: 'Gray Jedi' has cropped up a few times in the latest theories. Gray Jedi is a name given to a force-user who can harness both the light and dark sides of the Force, without surrendering or being corrupted by the dark side. We know that without the Jedi there can be no balance in the force - as mentioned by Lor San Tekka in The Force Awakens. The question remains is: is there going to be a Gray Jedi in this story, or more than one?
Theory 1) It could be Luke.
Remember how Yoda and Obi-wan warned young Skywalker before he went to Cloud City to save Han and Leia from the hands of Darth Vadar in The Empire Strikes Back? They said he would be tempted by the dark side, that: 'If you end your training now, if you choose the quick and easy path, you will become an agent of evil'

But was Luke only meant to defeat Vader and the Emperor or was he meant to bring balance to the galaxy, to the Force? Was he meant to become a Gray Jedi and is this the bigger picture Luke mentions in the trailer?

Theory 2) It's Rey.
Initially we all assumed that the 'last hope' would, and still could be Leia, but with Rey now in the picture could she be the new hope? Looking at the poster for The Last Jedi, Rey's importance in the Star Wars universe appears more significant than ever. She has no parents or siblings (that we know of) to live up to, only the guidance of the beloved original trio and the friendships of some great new characters. With the rise and continued growing power of the First Order, Rey's role in helping save the galaxy, and perhaps the whole existence of the Jedi, should soon come to fruition.
The Last Jedi poster presents the Star Wars fandom with many questions. Rey's lightsaber looks rather coincidentally like the Jedi Order symbol, fading from light blue to red, moving from the light side to the dark side of the Force as it divides the faces of Luke Skywalker and Kylo Ren. Is this colour change a representation of Rey's journey to or fight against the darkness? Is she the divide between the light and the darkness? Or between the Jedi and the Sith? OR... is Rey the one to bring balance and reconciliation between the two?
Theory 3) Could Kylo Ren be a Gray Jedi?
It may not seem likely that this emotionally-charged dark side force-user could potentially be a Gray Jedi. We already know that Snoke took on Ben Solo as a sort of apprentice, having manipulated and seduced him over to the dark side under the nose of his Jedi uncle. Ren thought that killing his father (Han Solo) would rid him of the torment of being torn between the light and the darkness. And yet despite everything, after all he has done he still feels the pull to the light - and Leia believes there's still good in him, just like Luke believed there was still good in Vader.
Theory 4) It's all of them. Because why not?
"First comes the day
Then comes the night.
After the darkness
Shines through the light.
The difference, they say,
Is only made right
By the resolving of gray
Through refined Jedi sight."
- Journal of the Whills
Watch the teaser trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zB4I68XVPzQ
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