There are several different interpretations of the word 'montage':
- A single pictorial composition made by juxtaposing or superimposing many pictures or designs.
- A relatively rapid succession of different shots in a movie.
- The juxtaposition of such successive shots as a cinematic technique.
- The technique of selecting, editing, and piecing together separate sections of film to form a continuous whole.
- Team America - Montage: Team America
- This montage is used to show the passing of time, compressing the time period into a few minutes.
- Ghostbusters:
- This montage speeds up the story line and only gives necessary information, which is told through newsreel clippings and headlines. The time period is also revealed through dates, and shots of intercutting characters at different times of day.
- DagDraumer -
- This film intercuts different time frames to give the impression of skipping time. The camera follows the same person, cutting from day to day, from location to location (this is known as a match cut).
- Adam Curtis - It felt like a kiss -
- This video depicts an event. There are combinations of different shots, some relevant, some seemingly not (Juxtaposition). The text and images are used to convey an idea, and can also be seen in different contexts, depending on the viewers interpretation. The events is compressed into a smaller time period, almost like a virtual recap.
So you see, a 'Montage' can be represented in different forms. It is whatever you want it to be.
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