The Basic Rules: Pace is very important - always make sure the footage flows together Quick cuts don't always create tension, sometimes the most tense scenes are just one shot Increasing or decreasing the pace of the cuts can change the mood of the piece Sometimes you can over-complicate your edit - it is good to know when your edit is finished Use the same process every time and make sure you organize and store the footage correctly Always 'cut with your gut' - does it feel right? When using music make sure you always cut to the beat The Process: Upload your footage Watch the footage Re-watch footage and make notes Create a first edit - the basic structure 2nd edit Consult the director Make alterations to the edit after getting feedback (at this point you can go back to point 3 or 4 and go from there) Walk away - sometimes you can over think things (it's good to take a break!) Create a final edit - fine tune the clips, make sure the audio levels ...
Delving into the world of filmmaking one blog at a time