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Cardiff Film and Comic Con Event - Sat 1st March '14

Cardiff Film and Comic Con (also known as the Film and Comic Convention) was on at Motorpoint arena on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd March 2014. Following the success of the first Cardiff Film and Comic Con, the event was full of promise for hundreds of people across the UK. 

Comic Con events occur approximately four times a year, if not more. It is a convention that joins everything from films, Tv, games and comics together and welcomes everyone who is interested in those worlds - as well as those who are just discovering them. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet like-minded people and famous actors, actresses, screenwriters, authors, publishers and directors; many of whom take part in discussions, panels, signings and photo booths.

At Comic Con it is a tradition to dress up and come as your favourite character from a film, Tv programme, game or comic. At Cardiff in March 2014 one of the most prominent characters was Matt Smith's Doctor Who and the character on the left (complete with mop and fez) started a 'follow the leader - dancing giraffe style' around the arena (Doctor Who fans will understand this). There were many, many fezzes present over the two days.

Here are some of the other characters wandering around the arena on the Saturday, as well as the original Bat-mobile!

VIP's included: Bernard Cribbins (Wombles, Doctor Who), David Warner (Tron, Star Trek V), Julian Glover (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Game of Thrones), Nicholas Briggs (Doctor Who), Paul McGann (Alien 3, Luther, Doctor Who), John Rhys Davies (Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones), Katy Manning (Doctor Who), Caitlin Blackwood (Doctor Who) and David Prowse (Star Wars).

(David Warner, Bernard Cribbins and Nicholas Briggs)

There were lots of stalls around the arena selling memorabilia, collectors items, art, costumes, games, DVDs, audio books, comics, signed photographs etc... There was also a stall for 'BIG FINISH' which is a British company that produces books and audio plays based on cult British science-fiction properties founded in 1998. There were also talks with David Warner, Nicolas Briggs and Julian Glover on the Saturday. (Separate blogs on each to come soon).


For more information regarding Comic Conventions and Expo's see here:


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